We are pleased to introduce to you snailnew.com – a place that provides complete and accurate information about snails, small creatures but with many interesting things. With the mission of bringing extensive knowledge and understanding about snails, we are committed to providing high quality articles, images and videos about these creatures.

Vision and mission

– Vision:
To be the leading resource for knowledge and information about snails, helping people better understand and appreciate the diversity of the natural world.

– Mission:
Providing scientific, interesting and easy-to-understand information about snails, helping people from all over the world to access and learn about this creature.

Core values

Accuracy: All information is thoroughly researched and verified by experts in the field of biology.
Diversity: We provide information on many different species of snails, from land snails to water snails.

Content on Website

Scientific Information: Detailed articles about the characteristics, ecology and behavior of snails.
Instructions for Raising Snails: Instructions on how to raise and care for snails at home.

Our Team

We are proud to have a team of biologists and snail researchers who are experienced and passionate about studying these creatures. Our team is always ready to share their knowledge and answer any questions you have about snails.